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Welcome to the BITCHES of anime page, where you'll see the WORST girls that anime has to offer.

these girls make you barf, make you sad, OR you want to strangle them with a rubber hose.

Kagura (Fruits Basket)

I hate this girl above all other characters. she's in love with one of the leads kyo. she has a split personality. one minute she's nice, the next, SHE'S A HORRIBLE VIOLENT BITCH. i hate her, i hate her, i hate her.

Kagome (Inuyasha)

You know her from the hit adult swim show, Inuyasha. she the love interest of the main character. She's a one dimensional bitch who cares for nobody but the loser half demon inuyasha. she's possessive, love starved and annoying as hell. GET A LIFE AND STOP BEING SO POSSESSIVE!

Ryoko (Tenchi Muyo)

I HATE this girl. she's one of the two fighting over tenchi. (why? no one knows.) she's a scheming, coniving evil woman who deserves to be shot into a black hole

Akane (Ranma 1/2)

the main love interest in Ranma 1/2. mainly just a violent bitch who won't admit she's in love.

Naru (Love Hina)

The Queen of not being true to your feelings. A Bitch all around. ONE OF THE WORST CHARACTERS EVER MADE!

Miyaka (Fushigi Yuugi)
the priestess of suzaku. a selfish, clumbsy, stupid, bitch. i HATE HER SO MUCH! she acts like a little girl and always tries to get her way. she's infatuated with this guy named tomahome. i don't know WHY ANYONE likes her. SHE'S SUCH A BITCH! i hope she gets a stick shoved a foot up every orifice of her body and she then gets her neck slit and she dies in a pool of blood on the floor. (by the way, i don't like her) (wink)
Haruka (FLCL)

stemmed from the WORST ANIME EVER, it's pretty obvious that the star would follow suit. to say she's violent is like saying World war two was a minor scuffle. she has to be THE WORST WORST WORST excuse for an anime character EVER to be drawn into a series.


well, this is the worst of the worst. so, hope you agree! if you have more bad ones, EMAIL THEM TO ME!